#---------------------------------------------------------------------- # kickstart file for SME Server V5 # Copyright (c) 2001 Mitel Networks Corporation #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # NOTE: The only supported customizations to this file are: # keyboard # timezone # To modify the default settings for these parameters, please refer # to the HOWTO document on http://www.e-smith.org/docs/howto/ #---------------------------------------------------------------------- #System language #lang en_US #Language modules to install #langsupport en_US fr_CA #System keyboard #keyboard us #System mouse mouse none #System timezone #timezone --utc America/New_York #Root password rootpw --iscrypted $1$GÅûÓøÔèê$jWK/s8WgbjQJRyQUS3B0d1 #Reboot after installation #reboot #Use text mode install #text #System bootloader configuration bootloader --useLilo --linear --location=mbr #instead or upgrade install #Install method cdrom #url --url http://allspice/development/files/projects/e-smith-releases/6.0alpha5+SL/cdrom.image/ #Clear the Master Boot Record zerombr yes #Clear all partitions from the disk clearpart --all --initlabel #Disk partitioning information part raid.00 --size 100 --ondisk 0 part raid.01 --size 100 --ondisk 1 part raid.10 --size 500 --grow --ondisk 0 part raid.11 --size 500 --grow --ondisk 1 part raid.20 --size 256 --ondisk 0 part raid.21 --size 256 --ondisk 1 raid /boot raid.00 raid.01 --level 1 --device md0 raid / raid.10 raid.11 --level 1 --device md1 raid swap raid.20 raid.21 --level 1 --device md2 #Use DHCP networking network --bootproto dhcp #System authorization information auth --useshadow --enablemd5 #Firewall configuration firewall --disabled #Do not configure the X Window System skipx %packages %packages @ Base %post # set up initial configuration /sbin/e-smith/signal-event post-install # add comment to /etc/motd echo "Welcome to the Mitel Networks SME Server." > /etc/motd