# installclass.py:  This is the prototypical class for workstation, server, and
# kickstart installs.  The interface to BaseInstallClass is *public* --
# ISVs/OEMs can customize the install by creating a new derived type of this
# class.
# Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007
# Red Hat, Inc.  All rights reserved.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

import os, sys, iutil
import isys
import string
import language
import imputil
import types

from instdata import InstallData

from constants import *
from product import *
from storage.partspec import *

import gettext
_ = lambda x: gettext.ldgettext("anaconda", x)

import logging
log = logging.getLogger("anaconda")

from flags import flags

class BaseInstallClass(object):
    # default to not being hidden
    hidden = 0
    pixmap = None
    showMinimal = 1
    showLoginChoice = 0
    _description = ""
    _descriptionFields = ()
    name = "base"
    pkgstext = ""
    # default to showing the upgrade option
    showUpgrade = True
    bootloaderTimeoutDefault = 0
    bootloaderExtraArgs = []

    # list of of (txt, grplist) tuples for task selection screen
    tasks = []

    # don't select this class by default
    default = 0

    # don't force text mode
    forceTextMode = 0

    # by default, place this under the "install" category; it gets it's
    # own toplevel category otherwise
    parentClass = ( _("Install on System"), "install.png" )

    # we can use a different install data class
    installDataClass = InstallData

    def _get_description(self):
        return _(self._description) % self._descriptionFields
    description = property(_get_description)

    def postAction(self, anaconda):

    def setSteps(self, anaconda):
        dispatch = anaconda.dispatch

	if productIsFinal:
	    dispatch.skipStep("betanag", permanent=1)

        if not iutil.isX86():
            dispatch.skipStep("bootloader", permanent=1)

        # allow backends to disable interactive package selection
        if not anaconda.backend.supportsPackageSelection:
            dispatch.skipStep("tasksel", skip = 1, permanent=1)
            dispatch.skipStep("group-selection", skip = 1, permanent=1)

        # allow install classes to turn off the upgrade 
        if not self.showUpgrade or not anaconda.backend.supportsUpgrades:
            dispatch.skipStep("findrootparts", skip = 1)

        # 'noupgrade' can be used on the command line to force not looking
        # for partitions to upgrade.  useful in some cases...
        if flags.cmdline.has_key("noupgrade"):
            dispatch.skipStep("findrootparts", skip = 1)

        # upgrade will also always force looking for an upgrade. 
        if flags.cmdline.has_key("upgrade"):
            dispatch.skipStep("findrootparts", skip = 0)

        # if there's only one install class, it doesn't make much sense
        # to show it
        if len(availableClasses()) < 2:
            dispatch.skipStep("installtype", permanent=1)

        # allow interface backends to skip certain steps.

    # modifies the uri from installmethod.getMethodUri() to take into
    # account any installclass specific things including multiple base
    # repositories.  takes a string or list of strings, returns a dict 
    # with string keys and list values {%repo: %uri_list}
    def getPackagePaths(self, uri):
        if not type(uri) == types.ListType:
            uri = [uri,]

        return {'base': uri}

    def setPackageSelection(self, anaconda):

    def setGroupSelection(self, anaconda):
        grps = anaconda.backend.getDefaultGroups(anaconda)
        map(lambda x: anaconda.backend.selectGroup(x), grps)

    def getBackend(self):
        # this should be overriden in distro install classes
        from backend import AnacondaBackend
        return AnacondaBackend

    def setDefaultPartitioning(self, storage, platform):
        autorequests = [PartSpec(mountpoint="/", fstype=storage.defaultFSType,
                                 size=1024, maxSize=50*1024, grow=True,
                        PartSpec(mountpoint="/home", fstype=storage.defaultFSType,
                                 size=100, grow=True, asVol=True, requiredSpace=50*1024)]

        bootreq = platform.setDefaultPartitioning()
        if bootreq:

        (minswap, maxswap) = iutil.swapSuggestion()
        autorequests.append(PartSpec(fstype="swap", size=minswap, maxSize=maxswap,
                                     grow=True, asVol=True))

        storage.autoPartitionRequests = autorequests

    def setInstallData(self, anaconda):
        anaconda.id.instClass = self
        anaconda.id.bootloader.timeout = self.bootloaderTimeoutDefault

    def versionMatches(self, oldver):

    def productMatches(self, oldprod):

    def productUpgradable(self, oldprod, oldver):
        return self.productMatches(oldprod) and self.versionMatches(oldver)

    def __init__(self):

allClasses = []
allClasses_hidden = []

# returns ( className, classObject, classLogo ) tuples
def availableClasses(showHidden=0):
    global allClasses
    global allClasses_hidden

    def _ordering(first, second):
        ((name1, obj, logo), priority1) = first
        ((name2, obj, logo), priority2) = second

        if priority1 < priority2:
            return -1
        elif priority1 > priority2:
            return 1

        if name1 < name2:
            return -1
        elif name1 > name2:
            return 1

        return 0

    if not showHidden:
        if allClasses: return allClasses
        if allClasses_hidden: return allClasses_hidden

    path = []

    for dir in ["installclasses", "/tmp/updates/installclasses",
                "/tmp/product/installclasses", "/usr/lib/anaconda/installclasses"]:
        if os.access(dir, os.R_OK):

    # append the location of installclasses to the python path so we
    # can import them
    sys.path = path + sys.path

    files = []
    for p in reversed(path):
        files += os.listdir(p)

    done = {}
    list = []
    for file in files:
	if file[0] == '.': continue
        if len (file) < 4:
	if file[-3:] != ".py" and file[-4:-1] != ".py":
	mainName = string.split(file, ".")[0]
	if done.has_key(mainName): continue
	done[mainName] = 1

            found = imputil.imp.find_module(mainName)
            log.warning ("module import of %s failed: %s" % (mainName, sys.exc_type))

            loaded = imputil.imp.load_module(mainName, found[0], found[1], found[2])

            obj = loaded.InstallClass

	    if obj.__dict__.has_key('sortPriority'):
		sortOrder = obj.sortPriority
		sortOrder = 0

	    if obj.__dict__.has_key('arch'):
                if obj.arch != iutil.getArch():
                    obj.hidden = 1
            if obj.hidden == 0 or showHidden == 1:
                list.append(((obj.name, obj, obj.pixmap), sortOrder))
            log.warning ("module import of %s failed: %s" % (mainName, sys.exc_type))
            if flags.debug: raise
            else: continue

    for (item, priority) in list:
        if showHidden:

    if showHidden:
        return allClasses_hidden
        return allClasses

def getBaseInstallClass():
    # figure out what installclass we should base on.
    allavail = availableClasses(showHidden = 1)
    avail = availableClasses(showHidden = 0)
    if len(avail) == 1:
        (cname, cobject, clogo) = avail[0]
        log.info("using only installclass %s" %(cname,))
    elif len(allavail) == 1:
        (cname, cobject, clogo) = allavail[0]
        log.info("using only installclass %s" %(cname,))

    # Use the highest priority install class if more than one found.
    elif len(avail) > 1:
        (cname, cobject, clogo) = avail.pop()
        log.info('%s is the highest priority installclass, using it' % cname)
    elif len(allavail) > 1:
        (cname, cobject, clogo) = allavail.pop()
        log.info('%s is the highest priority installclass, using it' % cname)

    # Default to the base installclass if nothing else is found.
        raise RuntimeError, "Unable to find an install class to use!!!"

    return cobject

baseclass = getBaseInstallClass()

# we need to be able to differentiate between this and custom
class DefaultInstall(baseclass):
    def __init__(self):